Personality Profile Reading

Original price was: $500.00.Current price is: $410.00.

Your customized personality profile! A combination of Numerology, all three of the most popular astrology systems (Lunar, Tropical and Sidereal), as well as a few interesting surprises! I LOVE to research and compare systems. This profile reading is intuitively guided and grounded in the systems that billions of people find informative. Clients LOVE these readings! […]

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Your customized personality profile!

A combination of Numerology, all three of the most popular astrology systems (Lunar, Tropical and Sidereal), as well as a few interesting surprises!

I LOVE to research and compare systems. This profile reading is intuitively guided and grounded in the systems that billions of people find informative. Clients LOVE these readings!

INCLUDED in coaching packages, do not use this item if you’re signing a coaching contract!!

HIGHLY recommended for those on a spiriutal path.

Included: Word document for you to keep with all my notes, resources and interpretations; one-hour live reading.


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